- 2nd European Across Grids Conference and
2nd IST Concertation Meeting on Grid Research
Nicosia (Cyprus), January 28 - 30, 2004:
- SC2003 Igniting Innovation
Phoenix (Arizona, USA), November 15 - 21, 2003:
joint booth
together with the GRIP project
BOF: Unicore - Access Applications on the GRID
room no 40-41; Thursday, November 20, 2003; 12:00PM - 1:00PM
- Cracow Grid Workshop -
Cracow (Poland), October 27 - 29, 2003
hosting the Second EUROGRID Workshop
- IST Conference 2003
Milan (Italy), October 2 - 4, 2003:
joint booth under the umbrella of the
European GRIDSTART Project
- Euro-Par 2003 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing
Klagenfurt (Austria), August 26 - 29, 2003
- Parallel Computing 2003
Dresden (Germany), September 2 - 5, 2003
- 18th International Supercomputer Conference ISC2003
Heidelberg (Germany), June 24 - 27, 2003
- Global Grid Forum 8: Building Grids
- Obstacles & Opportunities
Seattle, Washington (USA), June 24 - 27, 2003
- 12th IEEE International Symposium
on High-Performance Distributed Computing
Seattle, Washington (USA), June 22 - 24, 2003
- Information Day Grid-based systems for
complex problem solving
for the IST Call 2 in the 6th EU Framework for Research and Technological Development (FP6)
Brussels (Belgium), June 20, 2003
- First IST Concertation Meeting
on Grid Research
Brussels (Belgium), June 18 - 19, 2003
- GGF7: Grids Around the World
Tokyo (Japan), March 4-7, 2003
- First EUROGRID Workshop
in conjunction with the Euroweb 2002 conference
Oxford (UK) December 16, 2002
- SC2002 From Terabytes to Insight
in Baltimore (Maryland, USA) November 18-22, 2002:
joint booth together with the
GRIP project
IST Conference 2002: Partnerships for the Future
Copenhagen (Denmark) November 4-6, 2002
joint booth under the umbrella of the European
GRIDSTART Project with 9 other European GRID projects (
- EuroPar 2002, Paderborn (Germany) August 27-30, 2002:
presentation and demonstration by P.
Bala Unicore tutorial: client, server, IDB by K.-D. Oertel and M.
- ISC 2002 Heidelberg (Germany)
June 19-22, 2002:
joined booth together with DataGrid and Damien
- GridDemo
2002 Workshop in conjunction with CCGrid 2002 Berlin (Germany) May
21-24, 2002:
demonstrations by P. Bala and D. Girou
- ARISTOTE Seminar Grid Computing et Simulation numérique, Paris (France) April 11, 2002:
by V. Alessandrini, K. Solchenbach
- 4th DataGrid
Conference Paris (France) March 7, 2002:
by V. Alessandrini exhibit and demonstration of coupled turbulence
application by D. Girou
- GGF4
Toronto (Canada) February 17-20, 2002:
presentation by V.
- UK Grid
Portals Workshop Edinburgh (United Kingdom) January 28-29,
demonstration of Unicore plugin technology by J. MacLaren
- SC2001 in Denver (Colorado,
USA) November 12-15, 2001:
- 1st Cracow Grid
Workshop Kraków (Poland) November 5-6, 2001:
by P. Bala
- 12th ORAP Forum /
30th Speedup Workshop Lyon (France) October 25-26, 2001:
by V. Alessandrini
- ZKI working group
Supercomputing Berlin (Germany) October 25, 2001:
presentation by
D. Majewski, C.-J. Lenz
- 3rd annual COSMO meeting
Athens (Greece) October 3-5,
presentation by D. Maric, U. Schaettler, C.-J. Lenz, D.
- EPSRC HPC User Group Meeting London (United Kingdom) September 26,
presentation by G.-R. Hoffmann
- Seminar at European Media Laboratory GmbH (EML) Heidelberg (Germany)
September 24, 2001:
presentation by G.-R. Hoffmann
- UKHEC meeting
"Next Generation HPC Systems and the Grid" Edinburgh (United
Kingdom) September 10-11, 2001:
by J. MacLaren
- Europar2001 Manchester
(United Kingdom) August 28-31, 2001:
presentation by J. Brooke, F.
- ISCC 2001
(6th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications) Hammamet
(Tunisia) July 3-5, 2001:
prsentation by K. Solchenbach
- Industrial Grid Summit 2001 Paris (France) June 28, 2001:
by D. Mallmann
- HPCN2001 Amsterdam (Netherlands) June 25-27, 2001:
by J. Brooke
- ISC2001 Heidelberg (Germany) June 21-23, 2001:
presentation by F.
Hossfeld, D. Erwin
- EURESCO Conference on "Problem Solving Environments for Numerical
Mathematics, Science and Engineering Applications" Castelvecchio de
Pascoli (Italy) June 18-20, 2001:
presentation by H.-C. Hoppe
- Modélisation Distribuée DI'MOD 2001 Paris (France) June 7-8,
presentation by J. Brooke
- INET 2001 Stockholm
(Norway) June 6-8, 2001
joined booth together with DataGrid and Damien
- TERENA Networking Conference 2001Antalya (Turkey) May 14-17, 2001:
by D. Erwin
- 4th HLRS Metacomputing Workshop Stuttgart (Germany) May 3-4, 2001
presentation by H.-C. Hoppe
- PIONIER 2001
Poznan (Poland) April 24-27, 2001:
presentation by K. Nowinski, B.
Lesyng, M. Niezgódka, P. Bala
- IST Workshop "Expanding the Grid reach in Europe" Brussels (Belgium)
March 23, 2001:
presentation by K. Solchenbach
- GGF1 Amsterdam (Netherlands) March
5-8, 2001:
presentation by V.
- GRID 2000
Bangalore (India) December 17-20, 2000:
presentation by J. Brooke, M.
Foster, S. Pickles, K. Taylor, T. Hewitt
- ARCADE 2000 Bergen
(Norway) November 27-28, 2000:
presentation by V. Alessandrini
- European IST Conference 2000 Nice (France) November 7-9, 2000:
by D. Erwin
URL: <http://www.eurogrid.org/events.html>